Monday 23 June 2014

Post-Modernism Brief Introduction

What is Post-Modernism?
Post-Modernism is a style and concept in the arts characterised by distrust of theories and ideologies and by the drawing of attention to conventions.

self -contradictory - contradicts itself.
Ironic - it knows/aware of contradiction

Post-Modernism is also a complex theory with contested definitions. 'Post' mean 'After' - 'Modern' - after modern, after the modern movement..

Modernism - another theory or world view. Post-Modernism is reaction against modernism in all disciplines. (art, philosophy, film, literature, history, music etc) 
They all exist now.

Modernist and Post-Modernist texts have several shared conceptions.
They challenge typical convention structures.
Modernist Texts - critise and make parody, look back at past - playfully, play aroundit in a jokey way, cool tend to use nostologic way.