Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Postmodern media rejects the idea that any media product is of any greater value than another. However there isn’t a definate meaning of postmodern due to the many ideologies behind this theory. The distincton between media and the reality has callopsed and we live in a ‘reality’ defined by the images and the representaion - ‘a state of simulacra’.

The transition between the modernism and postmodernism has chnaged to something tahter serious and meningful to irony and paraody. It proves that postmodern rejects the ideas modernism movement has bought.

There are many postmodern media texts in this current day, I will be looking into specific examples and how they have features of postmoden. For TV, I’ll be looking at ‘The Big Bang Theory’ (Mark Cendrowski, 2007 to present). In terms of postmodern film, I will be looking at TMNT (Liebesman2014), Video Games, Batman Arkham: Knight (Sefton Hill, 2015) and a pop music video, Ariana Grande - Break Free (2014).

Concluding, postmodern is more evident in current media texts as there is that idea of just adapting old ideas into something ‘new’. This theory have been accepted into the society, however media texts have been expected at a newer standard by audience, as they would like to see texts to fit in with the post postmodernism genre, where the mediums are rather meaningful, realistic and serious.