Tuesday 7 October 2014


Narrative Paragraph 
My music video will be a performance and narrative based video. The performance will demonstrate the performer’s feeling through singing the song. The narrative will include a linear narrative. The performance will include her walking down the street while singing. She is walking away from her past. The lyric line ‘I push all my problems to the back of my mind’. This creates a meaning of leaving her past and moving on, this could be related to relationship or past issues. The beginning of the music video will feature a hand held shot of the road and bushes going past. Then it will go onto the performer who is singing to the lyrics in the dark with only a spotlight on her. The video will mainly be performance, and partly have shots which are narrative. The performance of the ballerina will gradually build up along with the song. The verse will consist of shots of the performer walking through the park while she is in search for a new fresh start. There will also be shots of her sitting on a sofa looking outside the window while it’s raining – the use of pathetic fallacy. The bridge will consist of reverse editing of vases going back to original state which connotes that the performer is going back to its original state of being happy rather than being upset. During the music interlude, there will be shots of the ballet dancer silhouette.  The ballet performance will build up the story in the music video. At the end the music video will end with the spotlight going out of the performer. As the song builds up the character/performer will become stronger and stronger – she is trapped somewhere in the forest and wants to get out a finds her path out into the city. Theories which will link into my music video are Andrew Goodwin. He states that there are 5 aspects of a music video. As I will be using both narrative and performance, Andrew Goodwin claims that having a performance and narrative will be a good combination as it doesn’t make the audience want to lose interest. Another theorist that I will be able to relate my music video to is Levi-Straus. There will be clear binary opposites of Strong vs. Weak as well the Past Vs. Present. There will be a strong progression of a girl overcoming her past and becoming strong for the future.
The lyrics are showing an aspect of postmodern as the structure has ideology implications, for example in the lyrics there is theme of ‘forgiveness’ hence emphasising a situation which the artist may have been. They song fully demonstrates an emotion of sadness and regrets.